Our New East Harlem Location is
Now Open:
1650 Madison Avenue Ground Floor
New York, NY 10029
To all New York City Washington Heights, Hamilton Heights, Harlem, Inwood, Riverdale, and nearby NY Yankee Bronx residents!
Call or text Now to schedule your PT Appointment! Come to KinesioWorks, its time to Get your PHYSICAL THERAPY EVALUATION and Treatment!
We now offer the Necks Level PT Click here


KinesioWorks Physica Therapy
De Cura in NecksLevel
Kinesioworks Physicae Therapiae Nos apud Kinesioworks therapyas committimus, ut summae notae qualitati subnixa cura aegris nostris praebeantur. Excitamur ad nuntiandum additamentum unitatum NecksLevel ad apparatum corporis curationis nostrae. NecksLevel est primus integrae colli rehabilitationis fabrica ad meliorem flexibilitatem et tensionem destinata minuere, collum musculi robur augere et dolorem levamen praebere. Creatur et designatus est a Dr. Scott Dickinson, PT, DPT, ATC qui ipse nobis processum in naves comparavit.
Vocatio seu Text / Llamar o Texto
We currently accept the following health insurances: Aetna, Affinity, Cigna, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Elderplan, Fidelis Care, EmblemHealth-GHI, Healthfirst, Humana, MetroPlus, United Health Care, Village Care Max, Medicare and Medicaid (straight), Magnacare, Multiplan, Wellcare, WC, 1199 SEIU.
We now accept walk-in patients based on availability.
Please call to inquire (212-740-2049). Also, you can Call or Text: 718-839-3046. We also have a live chat in our
website located at the bottom right of the page for any questions related to your rehab physical therapy health
and wellness.
Attention all NYC High School and College Varsity Track Athletes, we still offer a free 15-minute consult every Wednesday from 3:30PM-6PM.
Ahora aceptamos pacientes sin cita previa segun disponsibilidad. Por favor llame, envie un mensaje de texto o chatee para consultar: Our New Office Location in East Harlem, NYC is Opening Soon! Please visit us: 1650 Madison Avenue
Ground Floor
New York, NY 10029
Recent News

How to Boost Your Brain Power: The Effects of Physical Therapy in Improving Cognitive Function in Older Adults
As the global population ages, maintaining cognitive health has become a pressing concern. Increasing evidence suggests that physical therapy, traditionally focused on improving physical function, may also positively impact cognitive function in older adults, resulting in a better quality of life. Physical activity has long been associated with various health benefits, including but not limited to cardiovascular health, weight management, and musculoskeletal strength. However, recent research has increasingly highlighted its role in cognitive health. Regular physical activity is known to improve blood flow to the brain as well as reduce inflammation. These physiological changes can help maintain or even improve cognitive function. Physical therapy encompasses a range of treatments, all aimed at restoring and improving mobility. It often includes exercises, manual therapy, and modalities like balance training and gait training. While these interventions are primarily designed to address physical impairments, they can also have significant cognitive benefits. Physical therapy also involves tasks that require cognitive engagement, such as following complex exercise instructions or performing exercises that challenge coordination and balance. This cognitive engagement can stimulate brain areas involved in executive function and memory. Improved physical function can lead to greater independence and reduced risk of falls, which is usually associated with reduced anxiety and stress. Lower levels of anxiety and stress are associated with better cognitive health, suggesting an indirect benefit of physical therapy on cognitive function. Given the potential cognitive benefits of physical therapy, it is essential for healthcare providers to consider integrating cognitive elements into physical therapy programs for older adults. This approach not only addresses physical impairments but also supports cognitive health, offering a holistic strategy for managing aging-related challenges. Moreover, older adults themselves should be encouraged to engage in regular physical activity and seek physical therapy when needed. This proactive approach can help maintain both physical and cognitive function. Physical therapy offers significant benefits beyond improving physical function and can also positively impact cognitive health. By incorporating cognitive challenges into physical therapy and encouraging regular physical activity, it is possible to enhance both physical and cognitive well-being in aging populations. As research continues to evolve, the integration of physical and cognitive health strategies will likely become an increasingly important aspect of geriatric care. At Kinesioworks Physical Therapy, we empower your mind with the right dose of physical activity and therapeutic exercises. We combine PT intervention with activities that harness the body’s natural brain boosters that help improve cognitive function.
Di-Bonaventura, S., Fernández-Carnero, J., Matesanz-García, L., Arribas-Romano, A., Polli, A., & Ferrer-Peña, R. (2023). Effect of Different Physical Therapy Interventions on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Patients: A Systematic Review. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 13(1), 163.
Kaagman, D. G. M., van Wegen, E. E. H., Cignetti, N., Rothermel, E., Vanbellingen, T., & Hirsch, M. A. (2024). Effects and Mechanisms of Exercise on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Levels and Clinical Outcomes in People with Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Brain sciences, 14(3), 194.
Lin, H., Liu, H., Dai, Y., Yin, X., Li, Z., Yang, L., Tao, J., Liu, W., & Chen, L. (2022). Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Cerebrovascular Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in neurology, 13, 854158 Mandolesi, L., Polverino, A., Montuori, S., Foti, F., Ferraioli, G., Sorrentino, P., & Sorrentino, G. (2018). Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Functioning and Wellbeing: Biological and Psychological Benefits. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 509. Xu, L., Gu, H., Cai, X., Zhang, Y., Hou, X., Yu, J., & Sun, T. (2023). The Effects of Exercise for Cognitive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(2), 1088

The Role of Physical Therapy in Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive program designed to support individuals in their recovery from various heart conditions. These conditions may include coronary artery disease, heart attack, heart failure, or undergoing cardiac procedures like angioplasty or heart surgery.
The goals of cardiac rehabilitation are multifold. Firstly, it aims to optimize physical fitness, improving cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. Secondly, it emphasizes education and lifestyle modification, equipping patients with the knowledge and skills to manage risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. Thirdly, it addresses psychological well-being, providing emotional support and coping strategies to navigate the mental and emotional challenges often associated with heart disease.
There are four phases of cardiac rehabilitation. In the acute phase, the patient works with an acute physical therapist to regain mobility, prescribe any exercises or aids, as well as address any risk factors. The patient is then discharged after a certain amount of recovery to move to phase two. Phase two is the subacute phase, which occurs at an outpatient facility, where the patient is taught to self-monitor things such as heart rate which is necessary for a healthy return to complete functionality. Phase three is intensive outpatient therapy, where the physical therapist works with the patient to increase flexibility and strength. Phase four is mostly independent recovery using exercise programs from phase three.
Participating in cardiac rehabilitation offers a multitude of benefits. Regular exercise and lifestyle modifications promoted in cardiac rehabilitation contribute to better heart function, reduced blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, and enhanced overall cardiovascular health. Education and counseling empower patients to take control of their health by managing risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and smoking, thereby reducing the likelihood of future heart problems. Studies have shown that participation in cardiac rehabilitation significantly reduces the risk of subsequent hospitalizations and mortality rates among individuals with heart disease.
Cardiac rehabilitation serves as a vital component in the continuum of care for individuals recovering from heart-related conditions. By integrating exercise training, education, counseling, and lifestyle modification, these programs empower patients to take proactive steps towards improving their cardiovascular health, enhancing physical fitness, and fostering emotional well-being. As a result, cardiac rehabilitation not only aids in recovery but also plays a pivotal role in preventing future cardiac events, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more fulfilling life for individuals with heart disease.
Bracewell, N. J., Plasschaert, J., Conti, C. R., Keeley, E. C., & Conti, J. B. (2022). Cardiac rehabilitation: Effective yet underutilized in patients with cardiovascular disease. Clinical cardiology, 45(11), 1128–1134. https://doi.org/10.1002/clc.23911
Passantino, A., Dalla Vecchia, L. A., Corrà, U., Scalvini, S., Pistono, M., Bussotti, M., Gambarin, F. I., Scrutinio, D., & La Rovere, M. T. (2021). The future of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for patients with heart failure. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 8, 709898. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2021.709898
Taylor, R. S., Dalal, H. M., & Zwisler, A. D. (2023). Cardiac rehabilitation for heart failure: 'Cinderella' or evidence-based pillar of care?. European heart journal, 44(17), 1511–1518. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehad118

Im paragr. Hic strepita ut textum tuum adde et me emendes. Praesent facilisis.

Titulus elegans
Melius Movere ad meliorem salutem
In a world characterized by lives mostly carried out sitting at a desk facing a computer, the importance of physical activity cannot be overstated. Regular exercise is not just a matter of staying fit; it is a fundamental pillar of overall health and well-being. Research consistently demonstrates the myriad benefits of physical activity, from enhancing cardiovascular health to boosting mental well-being. In this article, we explore the ways in which physical activity contributes to overall health, why incorporating it into our daily lives is crucial and how physical therapists can help.
Physical activity plays a pivotal role in weight management and obesity prevention. Regular exercise provides a variety of benefits including but not limited to burning calories, building lean muscle mass, and regulating metabolism. Physical therapists can help by developing an exercise plan and/or appropriate alternative physical activities depending on the patient’s health status. Combining physical activity with a balanced diet is an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Moreover, maintaining a healthy weight is linked to a lower risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes and certain types of cancer.
The connection between physical activity and mental well-being is well-established. Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters, which can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, regular physical activity improves cognitive function and reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, enhancing overall brain health. The release of endorphins also contributes to pain relief in the body, allowing patients to feel better as well.
Aside from therapeutic exercises, physical therapists utilize breathing techniques that can improve body wellness. Incorporating mindful breathing techniques, such as deep diaphragmatic breathing or meditation, alongside physical activity, can significantly reduce stress levels. Stress has profound implications for overall health, contributing to various chronic conditions. Mindful breathing fosters relaxation, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and mitigates the detrimental effects of chronic stress.
Weight-bearing exercises, such as running and resistance training, contribute to the development of strong bones and muscles. This is particularly important in preventing conditions like osteoporosis and frailty, especially as individuals age. Strength training exercises also support joint health and flexibility.
Incorporating regular physical activity into our lives is an investment in our health that pays off in numerous ways. Whether through structured workouts, recreational activities, or simply incorporating more movement into daily routines, everyone can find a way to enjoy the transformative power of physical activity and unlock the full potential of a healthy and fulfilling life. Physical therapists have a duty to not only administer physical exercise but promote physical activity and wellness in their patients’ lives.
Works Cited: Mercer, Lily. The Role of Breathing in Physical Therapy. CoreMedical Group. https://www.coremedicalgroup.com/blog/role-breathing-physical-therapy Panchbudhe, Shweta & Kumar, Y & Choudhary, Sachin & Chiwhane, Anjalee. (2020). Role of Physiotherapist to Promote Physical Activity in Physical Therapy Settings: Questionnaire Study. International Journal of Current Research and Review. 50-55. 10.31782/IJCRR.2020.5055.
October National Physica Therapy mense
Singulis annis in mense Octobri, Therapistae Physici e diverso usu occasus circa Nationes Nationalis Physicae Mensis Therapy celebrabant. Hoc argumentum anni spectat ad valorem therapiae physicae. Physica therapia multa aegris omnibus aetatibus beneficia praebet. Iuvat mobilitatem et functionem patientis emendare ac munere fungi in meliori congruentia, sanitate et qualitate vitae. Therapists physici motus periti sunt, qui in aestimatione et aestimatione variarum condiciones musculoskeletales, neurologicas et geriatricas exercent. In societate cum aegris, Therapists Physici fines evolvunt, rationem curae, et, cum adiutoribus corporis curationis, programmata aegros curationis curationis physicae individuatae praebent. Therapy Association Physical Therapy American articulum dimisit ad conscientias faciendas de beneficiis therapiae physicae:
1. Mobilitatem physicam therapistae emendare adiuvare possunt ad mobilitatem meliorandam cognoscendo, aestimando et tractando problematum motus et functionem meliorem.
2. Physica Activitas et Hotel promovere Studia demonstraverunt actionem corporis regularem meliorem corporis, mentis et motus bene esse. Longis etiam medicinis problemata prohibet, ut morbi cor, diabetes, hypertension. Physica therapistarum cognitio et peritia in motu et exercitatione adiuvare possunt ad impedimenta superanda ad actionem physicam regularem et ad sanitatem promovendam.
3. Auxilium Curo Dolor Physica therapistae diversis modalibus utuntur ut musculoskeletales dolores minuant et usum medicamentum periculosissimi doloris minuant.
4. Post surgery Recuperare Post chirurgiam, therapists physici adiuvare possunt ad recuperandam et restituendam functionem et mobilitatem
5. Praeveni et/vel ab Iniuria Recuperare Post iniuriam, therapistae physici adiuvare possunt signa doloris appellando, limitationes mobilitatis et curationem curationem corporis et patientem educationem praebere ad impediendam ulteriorem iniuriam.
Populus Sanitatis 2030 Monere pergit quomodo communitates aequam habeant accessum ad curas fundamentales ad meliorem sanitatem et sanitatem. Apud Kinesioworks Physica Therapy conari pergimus et vias ad serviendum et praebendum optimae documenta subnixa cura aegrotis nostris in Arcibus et vicinis communitatibus Novi Eboraci operam dabimus operam cum loci sanitatis facultate in communitate colendo.
Iulii 4, 20 23
Volentes omnes a

Nos Honor
Memoriale diem
Die 29 Maii 2023
Hodie honoramus et gratias agimus iis qui in obsequium patriae dederunt. salutamus te!

Martin Lutherus rex Jr.
Martin Lutherus rex Jr.
Die 16 Ianuarii 2023
Hodie colimus vitam et legatum D. Martini Lutheri regis Jr.

What A Race!
What A Race!
die 12 mensis Novembris anno 2022
Gratulor Domino nostro Vincentio Sto Tomas, PT, DPT ad complendum MMXXII Romae in urbe Marathon! Ut avidus cursor, Dr. Vincentii 3 NYC Marathones et 4 marathones perfecit!
Currere ad idoneitatem vel ad utilitatem causae? Kinesioworks Physica Therapy adiuvare potest ut incipias! Habesne concursus et cursor conditus? Mechanica currit et effectus emendare valemus! Nunc offerimus 3D Cursor Gait Analysis powered by RunDNA! Virtute technologiae 3D, aestimare possumus cursus tuos biomechanicos, exemplaria resolvere, et consilia commendare et programma currendi ad emendare cursum tuum perficiendum. Nos nunc voca ad institutionem tuam statuere!

Cordis nostri gratia
Cordis nostri gratia
Die 11 Novembris 2022
Gratitudo cordis nostra nostris viris ac mulieribus uniformiter ac familia exit ad suum servitium et sacrificium.
Gratias agimus tibi!

Bed-Stuy Heritage 5K
Bed-Stuy Heritage 5K
Die 24 Iulii 2022
Gratulor uni ex clientibus nostris quod primum Bed-Stuy Heritage 5K Curre constituto a RunSignUp constituto una cum nostro ipso Dr. Vincent Sto Tomas. Eventus in sectione Brooklyni in arces Stuyvesant habita est die 24 mensis Iulii anno 2024 .
Currere ad idoneitatem vel ad utilitatem causae? Kinesioworks Physica Therapy adiuvare potest ut incipias! Habesne concursus et cursor conditus? Mechanica currit et effectus emendare valemus! Our 3D Running Gait Analysis is coming soon! Mane jungitur pro magis details!

Felix Dies Libertatis!
Felix Dies Libertatis!
Die 4 iulii 2022
Volentes quisque est beatus 4 mensis Iulii!

Celebrating Juneteenth!
Celebrating Juneteenth!
Die 19 mensis Iunii anno 2022

Felix dies patrum!
Felix dies patrum!
Die 19 mensis Iunii anno 2022

Remembering Those Who Served
Remembering Those Who Served
May 30,2022
Huius diei memoriam, viros ac feminas aequabiliter in cordibus nostris retinemus qui libertatem nostram defendendam immolaverunt. Cogitationes Nostrae sunt cum suis familiis et pro reditu eorum qui nunc deserviunt oramus.

Magni tempus cursus!
Magni tempus cursus!
May 14,2022
Gratulor Domino nostro D. Vincentio pro peracta nuper conclusa TD NYC 5 Boro Bike Tour!
Nunc quod NYC 5-Boro Bike Tour modo complevit et GFNY cycling circa angulum modo est, opportune loqui de cyclo est. Utrum velit vel amet, cyclus est magnus lusus et actio corporalis. Plus annis, salus et utilitas socialis revolutio in investigationibus comprobata sunt (Kotler, Babu et Robidoux, 2016). Ostensum est ad meliorem altiorem congruentiam, periculum minui morbi cardiovascularis, adips et cancer (Chavarrias et al, 2019). Socie- tates cycliticarum includunt imminutae pollutionis aeris, et minuuntur accidentia negotiationis (Kotler, Babu et Robidoux, 2016). Datis beneficiis, revolutio etiam iniuriae periculum movet. Ad impediendum et/vel minuendum periculum iniuriae physicae ne revolutio, quaedam momenti momenta sunt consideranda: genus cycli (recreationale, vecturae, competitive) quae dictamen ius calces, instrumentum ad usum et artes quae requiruntur; de nutritione et hydratione; propriae disciplinae; et propriis armis.
Bike idoneus est alius maximus factor ad cogitandum in cyclo. Bike aptum est medium inter bicyclum et cyclistam qui biomechanicos afficit (Kotler, Babu et Robidoux, 2016). Delectatio frameae bicycli geometriae, systematis sellae pedalis, ac figurae ansarum vectis innititur in desiderato corporis positione et functione (Kotler, Babu et Robidoux, 2016). Propria cursoria apta concedit ad generationem consolationis, efficientiae et potentiae (Kotler, Babu, et Robidoux, 2016).

Felix dies MLK!
Felix dies MLK!
Die 17 Ianuarii 2022

Felix gratiarum actio!
Felix gratiarum actio!
die 25 mensis Novembris anno 2021

Honorantes nostros Veteranos!
Honorantes nostros Veteranos!
die 11 mensis Novembris anno 2021

Thank You!
Thank You!
May 31, 2021

Martin Lutherus rex Jr.
Martin Lutherus rex Jr.
Die 18 Ianuarii 2021

Happy and Healthy New Year To All!
Happy and Healthy New Year To All!
November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
November 26, 2020

Salute to All Veter
Salute to All Veter
November 11, 2020

Felix 244th Natalis USA!
Felix 244th Natalis USA!
July 4, 2020

Mitigationis Exercitia quae Auxilium Ne propagationem COVID-19
Mitigationis Exercitia quae Auxilium Ne propagationem COVID-19
July 3, 2020
A systematic review of 172 studies in health-care and non health-care settings in 16 countries and a meta-analysis of 44 comparative studies were conducted by Chu et. al. (2020). Results of the systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that physical distancing of 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet); use of face masks (N95, 12-16 layer cotton or gauze masks); and use of eye protection devices (goggles, face shields) are the three simple and common practices that help mitigate the spread of infection based on the best available evidence and global collaborative efforts (Chu et. al., 2020).
Chu, D. K., Akl, E. A., Duda, S., Solo, K., Yaacoub, S., Schünemann, H. J., & COVID-19 Systematic Urgent Review Group Effort (SURGE) study authors (2020). Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet (London, England), 395(10242), 1973–1987. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31142-9

Honoramus eos qui serviunt
Honoramus eos qui serviunt
May 25, 2020

Novum CDC Commendationem in Panno Face Covering
Novum CDC Commendationem in Panno Face Covering
Aprilis 4, 2020
Coniunctio sequentis ex CDC instructiones praebet quomodo tuam contectum faciei velamen efficias;

An Update pro Curis Suggerentibus in New York State
An Update pro Curis Suggerentibus in New York State
Aprilis 2, 2020
Ut provisor officiorum corporalium in New York State et ut adimpletio obligationis nostrae aegris et baculi nostri, apud KinesioWorks Physica Therapy pergo nos renovare cum recentissimis informationibus et guidelines de Coronaviro 19 pandemico (Covid-19) provisum est. the New York State Department of Health, and other city, state and foederati sanitatis ac regiminis institutionum. Preme nexum infra: Renovatio NYS curis Providentibus in Covid-19 https://youtu.be/vwGsmiNcvPw

Nuntius aegroti ac Familiae
Nuntius aegroti ac Familiae
Martii 2020
Dear Patients and Families,
We at KinesioWorks Physical Therapy, PC highly prioritize and are committed to the health and wellness of our patients and staff. We continue to monitor the events related to the spread of the novel coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) and update ourselves with the most recent guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the state and federal government agencies.
Due to the manner the coronavirus spreads, we continue to adhere and implement the best health and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of the virus and most contagious diseases. In addition to regularly cleaning and disinfecting all equipment and surfaces after every use, hand sanitizers and/or disinfecting hand wipes will be made available for patient use.
As per the CDC guidelines, having a healthy and hygiene practices may help prevent or reduce the risk of getting infected. Some of these practices include, but not limited to:
1.Washing your hands frequently especially before meals, after using the bathroom, after you sneeze or cough (Mineo, 2020).
2.Avoid touching your face with unclean hands.
3.Cleaning frequently touched surfaces or objects daily such as tables, countertops, doorknobs and handles, and cabinet handles.
4.Covering your cough or sneeze with your elbow or tissue and then promptly throwing the tissue into the garbage receptacle.
Please visit the link below for a more detailed and complete guidelines from the CDC on how to protect yourself at home, at work, and in the community.
We all play an important role in the prevention of coronavirus disease. Together, we will get through this global pandemic.
From your family at KinesioWorks Physical Therapy, P.C.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Get Your Household Ready for Coronavirus Disease 2019. Available at:
Mineo, L. How to reduce the spread of coronavirus. (2020). The Harvard Gazette. Available at: https://harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/03/preventing-the-spread-of-coronavirus-starts-with-basic-hygiene/

Successus in MMXIX Marathon urbe New York!
Ianuarii 2020
It was a great run on a great day at the 2019 New York City Marathon held last November 4, 2019. Our very own, Dr. Vincent Sto Tomas, ran the famous NYC marathon for the time with a great finish! A total of 26.2 miles that stretches along all NYC five boroughs were tracked by runners from all over the world! A big shout out to all the participants in the NYC marathon!
How to Prevent Injuries When Running During the Winter Months
The cold winter days are inevitably upon us and it’s sure to pose challenges with your training and races. The good news is we can prevent injuries and have a successful run by following some simple preventive tips and common sense:
1.Check the weather. While running outdoors in cold temperatures are generally considered safe, it is important to know that at any temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, there is the potential for runners to sustain non-freezing injuries such as chilblains hypothermia and freezing injuries such as frostbite especially when the temperature hits below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Always check the weather and outdoor temperature before heading out to train or to your race. Be sure to know the “feels like” temperature considering the wind chill factor. It is best to monitor the weather forecast at least a week to a few days before and on the day of your run or training. Knowing the weather ahead will help you prepare for your gear.
2.Consider an indoor activity as an alternative to running outdoors. This is strongly encouraged especially when outside temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a subscription to a local gym, by all means, take advantage of your membership for your training.
3.Gear up. Running hats, gloves, neck warmer, proper running footwear, and hand warmers are just some of the common items you may need to have when you plan to run outdoors. Choosing the right running footwear with good traction is especially important when running on snow-covered ground to prevent slipping.
4.Stay Hydrated. Keeping yourself hydrated and maintaining an appropriate energy balance are very important to keep you running and can help regulate body temperature and may prevent hypothermia. It is recommended to take 17-20 oz. of fluid (such as water or sports drink) 2-3 hours before the physical activity or exercise and 7-10 fl.oz every 10-20 mins during exercise or physical activity (Casa et. al., 2000)
Casa, D., Armstrong, L.E., Hillman, S.K., Montain S.J., Reiff, R.V., Rich, B.S.,...Stone, J.A. (2000). National Athletic Trainer's Association position statemet: Fluid replacement for athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 35(2), pp. 212-224.
University of Wisconsin-Madison (2019). Training tips for runners: Weather conditions and winter running. Available at: https://www.uwhealth.org/sports-medicine/physical-therapy-athletic-training/runners-education-marathon-training-in-cold-weather-weather-considerations/35986

Cur physicus CLINICUS tuus de victu quaeris?
Ianuarii 2020
Novus Annus Felix!
Festis festis post nos, novus annus novas spes et opportunitates praebet praesertim in mutationibus positivis circa nostram salutem et salutem personalem faciendi. Profecto victus et nutritionis sunt quaedam claves ad sanitatem et sanitatem.
Non raro mirantur plerique aegros cur physicus CLINICUS (PTs) cibum aegri quaerat. Dum vulgo notum est PTs laborare in osse, articulari ac musculi perturbationes, PTs aestimationem et curationem patientibus in holistic accessu praebere (Phadke, 2017). Accessio holistic ad curationem physicam aestimationem et curationem spectat aegrotum ut totum comprehendens omnes systemata corporis humani, quae inter se invicem et mutuo laborant et afficiunt. His dictis, victus aegri multum afficit systemata corporis quae vicissim ictum est in operatione aegri corporis, mentis, socialis et animi, necnon responsionis ad curationem. Exempli gratia: victus pauper et insalubris censetur ut unus e causis maioris modifiabilis periculi ad explicandas perturbationes cardiovasculares et cerebrovasculares sicut morbus cordis et diabetes. CLINICUS physicus tuus has causas cognoscere et considerare debet quae eventus tractationis afficere possunt (Phadke, 2017).
Ref: Phadke CP (2017). Cur Therapists Physica curet de eorum aegri victu?. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada, 69 (2), 99-103. doi: 10.3138/ptc.69.2.GEE

Felix dies festi!
Felix dies festi!
Decembris MMXIX
Votis omnibus optamus Beata ac Beata Festa!

Festis perfruamur!
Festis perfruamur!
Die 28 mensis Novembris anno 2019
Ex nostris KinesioWorks Therapy Physica familia ad tuam, felix Gratiarum actio!

Musculoskeletales Ultrasound (MSKUS) et Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs)
June 11, 2019
1) Shah JP, Thaker N, Heimur J, Aredo JV, Sikdar S, Gerber L. Myofascial Trigger Points Then and Now: A Historical and Scientific Perspective. PM R. 2015;7(7):746-761.
2) Sikdar S, Shah JP, Gebreab T, et al. Novel applications of ultrasound technology to visualize and characterize myofascial trigger points and surrounding soft tissue. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.