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Et billede af Niagara-floden taget langs Riverway, Niagara Falls State Park i byen Niagara Falls, NY beliggende i Buffalo-Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area. Om sommeren anslås strømmen i dagtimerne til 75.000 gal/sek., der danner American Falls Luna Island & Bridal Veil Falls. Måske de mest kendte vandfald i verden og bedste kilde til vandkraft i den nordøstlige del af USA og Canada.

-Foto taget af Kay Victoria Sto Tomas


Det er tid til dit wellness-tjek her kl

KinesioWorks Fysioterapi

It’s the start of summer, the air is warmer and people are out and about with the sun shining brighter in the sky. It is also the perfect time for your yearly Physical Therapy (PT) Wellness Check-up offered here at KinesioWorks PT.

How we can help:

Our role as Physical Therapists is to ensure that you feel better, improve the quality of life and provide the highest quality of individualized care.

One of the many things we do here at KinesioWorks Physical Therapy is Patient Screening to get helpful information about your general health status so therapy is as efficient as possible. Body Composition measurement is important to know specific areas of improvement during physical therapy sessions. We monitor outcomes and improvement during the course of PT. We continually check the efficiency of exercises and provide recommendations for long term success.

As Physical Therapists we strive to provide the best services and help our patients achieve optimum health by advocating for positive health behavior and lifestyle, promoting self-awareness and creating an environment that supports good health practices.

We encourage you to check out our health and wellness program provided by our knowledgeable staff in Wellness:

We also now provide online forms that patients can fill out from the comfort of their own home. 

(Please tap or scan the QR code below for your 

wellness check-up).


Bezner J. R. (2015). Promoting health and wellness: Implications for physical therapist Practice. Physical therapy, 95(10), 1433–1444.

Worman R. S. (2020). Lifestyle Medicine: The role of the physical therapist. The Permanente journal, 24, 18.192.

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